
we can have conor come in soon if you'd like. Couldn't pass this up for Saluce and his border duties. Btw ic'ly saluce isn't going to have any idea of your ooc statement, So rp it out. Saluce is a big baddie but isn't quick to strike, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about

Just like many days, his duties revolved around ridding his pack of threats from other predators and other wolves. Did he ever react violently? Yes but sometimes a simple show of strength or just him alone was enough to scare off anyone that had ill will toward the pack. Most of the time he was pleasant enough until he gauged them worthy or of no threat. Saluce had spent some of the morning in his shop that day before leaving in his secui form to patrol. As most days lately the fall colors where in full swing, and he’d often get lost in the scenery if nothing came across his nose of interest. Today was like all the others, in a pleasant mood, but somehow he continued on his way. Fresh and old tracks examined before dismissed or filed away for future reference. For the most part he was a little bored, not much had been happening lately other than his mate continuing her pregnancy. Everything with her had been going very well so even that wasn’t too exciting at the moment. Knowing on some level she was getting closer to giving birth meant as well that he wasn’t going to wander to far now a days at least.

Again his massive form moved across the wilderness, blue eyes constantly surveying, trying not to get caught up in the scenery around him. It wasn’t long though before his attention was quickly demanded. The pack borders had been breached he was sure of it as his nose hit the ground and started tracking. Already finding the deer, and the wolf in the scent and deducting the reasoning for such a brash move. The thought irritated the grey wolf, already souring his good mood. Manners where much more important and when his form found the kill and the wolf, he bristled.

The growl came low at first then into a full blown warning. Openly hostile as his eyes looked over the male with distaste. Conor may have not approved of such a show but it was all the behemoth knew to do. Maybe if the correct showing of respect where shown he’d drop his aggressive style a bit to deduct the reasoning’s for such a transgression. Tail high in the air, ears perked and alert, lips curled into a snarl, hackles raised, this was certainly no time to play games.

“You better have a damn good reason for trespassing without asking for permission to hunt on these lands” was the remark he was given, clearly stating his transgressions. Saluce circled the male as always judging him, eying him, letting his blue eyes burn a path of destruction between him and the object of his hostility. Saluce hadn’t show such an aggressive stance in a while, the drool dripping from his fangs was enough to propose that he was truly pissed off.

“You better speak quickly” was the only other remark he gave him.

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