Finally someone different

WC: 339 {3 points}

It was a rather boring walk to the end of Halifax. There was nothing lively about the place and it looked like a dump. No one had been around here for ages and it seemed like nothing more than a wasteland. She padded along against the rough ground and gave a slight growl. It was bad enough that the place looked like a mess but couldn’t the roads be a bit more comfortable? She tried to find a better place to walk before she continued on towards home.

A faint scent caught Sepirah’s nose as she came near the edge. She paused and looked around. So far it looked like no one was around, but the scent still lingered in the air. The jackal began to follow the scent until she came to where the coyote was hiding. She wasn’t able to see her hiding but she looked around. So far the scent was leading her towards the trash can but there was no way she was going to go near it. She didn’t want to get her pretty self all dirty. She backed away and continued to look around. This little game of hide and seek was getting rather boring, so the dark princess decided it was time to give up and head back home.

As she was heading back, Sepirah’s ears moved as she heard something or someone moving. The dark princess turned around as she noticed the coyote coming out of her hiding place. She sniffed the stranger and found that she did not carry the scent of Inferni. This was perfect. Finally she may be able to make a friend with an actual coyote who was outside of her pack. A smirk formed on her face as the coyote said her greeting. She gave a small bow and looked to the female’s green eyes. ”Hello there. My name is Sepirah Lykoi. What is your name?” She lowered her rear and took a seat on the road as she waited for the coyote to introduce herself.

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