I wish I wish I was (not) a fish.

Amazing table by Sara Joe.... Baking and pastry arts to decorate cakes.

ayita kept low she wasn't going to play pray what did the bear think because it had lost a fish it could have her. Oh no that was not going to happen she was not about to alllow some bear to make a meal out of her. "I'm not playing any games there's a bear out there. I don't want to be its lunch." She said as she could have slappped herself in the face for talking to it. She had to get going. She slid her foot back as to start inching slowly backwards.

On her travels she had seen what bear could do to wolves she didn't want to give up her llife she just wanted to make things better. Ayita peered out through the grass. Not much seperated them a couple feet. Could she out run it if it charged? could she maybe change quick enough to use a knife? these were good questions with no solution and not enough time to figure it out.


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