Jus' another southern boy.
Ah. Well, then. I assumed it'd be a sort of roleplay acceptance... But I'll post a longer line, if it's required.

A forlorn shape slinked in through the underbrush, and sniffed. Yet another packland area. But this scent was different. He padded softly here- there was no telling what he'd find. A crack in the brush before him send him scampering under cover, his eyes wide, searching the dark for any signs of movement. He saw nothing- A few minutes later, he was continuing on his way, eyes gleaming in the moonlight.
It wasn't realy his idea to enter the forest. He'd always been warned away from these places as a pup- Stories of the huge packs of Luperci had been ripe in his mind when he entered the green are outside the great city. The rebar and concrete jungles of his past were behind him now. Far behind him.
He came to the clearing about ten minutes later. A small house, dilapidated and ruined, stood in the clearing. He sniffed. No pack scentings here- It seemed that this place was... deserted. A perfect place to camp out for a while.

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