Mine is the night with all her stars

OOC here!

The second Shawchert came near this place, he did not like it, it was an open grave, where skeletons of the old race were laying about. He felt bad for them, he was probably the only wolf that did, though the wolves grew strong with their demise, he knew they’d done some good in their lifetime, though life wasn’t always meant to last forever. This was evidence of that, he wanted to pass by as fast as he could. Now, though he saw another in front of him, one who had interesting markings upon her, he gave a small smile on his muzzle. He didn’t want to scare her so he kept back as he called out to her.

Hello there!

He said, he was moving towards her but slowly, and was hoping that they would move along together to get out of the graveyard that littered the area. He wondered what someone else would be doing in here, hopefully only passing by. He’d heard of some pack members in another land that collected the skulls of humans and wolves alike and used them as markers outside of their packlands. That was a sad thought, and that just made him feel sick. He hoped she wasn’t a part of this pack, because he wasn’t sure how he would react.

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