Happy Feet

blah post ; ; !

He smiled at her for her odd compliment. He was a perceptive wolf himself, and he could tell that she was more than a wolf, she didn’t even look much like one, it looked a mix of different canines were in her, though he did not have a clue of what they were. He wasn’t sure she cared much for wolves with her comment.

Well thank you, you are nice yourself, and it is a pleasure meeting you

He said unsure of what to say to that. Though her next answer was distracting enough to not have to worry about it, he smiled, interested in this pack,. He did not know of the packs around here, though he knew many of them were around.

Oh? It sounds like a very noble pack indeed, would you mind telling me more about it? I’m afraid I’m still rather new here… in fact, I was thinking of a pack of my own some day soon.

He said, this not knowing why he did so. She clearly enjoyed being in the pack she belonged to now, he wouldn’t make her consider something that he was planning now and just sit around waiting for shaw’s plans. But he felt a need to mention it. It had been on his mind for a little while now. It seemed like it must come out now. Then her attention went right to Shaw’s flute, he held it up for her to see it. He loved it, it was a wooden flute, one that he had made himself.

This is a flute, I can play music from it,

He stated he blew a short tune and gave her a quick smile. Playing made him happy because it was one of the few things in life he could take for granted. He had noticed her circling him, but he was use to odd behavior, he wasn’t one to mention what she was doing because obviously she knew what she was doing. It did not make him feel uncomfortable either, if she had any ill intents he was probably a little too proud, but he was able to get away from dire situations.

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