[night] && the [descending]

I would just like to say that I SUCK. For many reasons, but the primary reason being for taking so long! D: School just loaded three grade 12-level projects on me and they took priority. D: So, so, so sorry! And thank you so much for the compliment! I actually was thinking that of yours. <3

Wc: 670

Being around the small, excited pup couldn't help but speak to the mother, making her heart pang in longing for her own children. She wished to be whisked away back to a time where her leg wasn't crippled, and her children were young and loving, where she was able to protect them from the sometimes scary world that nipped at their heels. But Aro and Sophia were now adults in their own right, causing the fae's heart to clench at times. How could her babies be nearly fully grown? The prospect was impossible - wasn't she just holding them and rocking them to sleep last week?

Her new litter, now obviously on the way, wouldn't fully heal the gap left in the mother's heart as she realized she was no longer needed in her childrens' lives, but it would help to give her strength and closure. Her children would still love her, that much she knew, and Ghita would be needed by a new set of puppies on the way. She could now take the lessons she had learnt from her past litters and teach her youngest children the best way experience and instinct could combine.

So it wasn't surprising with the influx of hormones pumping through Ghita's body that she felt a motherly sort of protection over Grace, even after just meeting the girl. As peaceful as the lands had been in the past few months, that didn't mean that there weren't treacherous people about, especially for a young pup in neutral territory. Haunting whispers of isolated incidents had reached Ghita's pierced ears, and she couldn't stop the ringing of eerie foreboding from telling her to get the pup back home safely before the darkness fully fell.

Even as these darker thoughts crept through unannounced, Grace, as she now learned was her name, couldn't keep the smile off of Ghita's face. Happy to hear the pup as excited and free-spirited as she'd seemed from the start of their meeting, the elder fae's tooth grin only wavered slightly as Grace's last name came to light. Blinking her large, turquoise eyes in slow surprise, the fae hadn't thought that Naniko had had any more children asides from the ones with Ehno, but that could easily be outdated information. Swallowing the uneasy lump that rose from hearing the fae whom the Marinos held an uneasy feud with, Ghita forced her tone to remain happy and light, even if the ends of her sentences were a little damp. "That's a very pretty name, Grace. Who are your parents? I'm sure they must be very worried since you've been gone so long." Even though the Crimson Dreamer knew of Grace's origins simply from her scent, it was a nice reassurance to hear that Ghita's nose hadn't been damaged with age.

Indeed, she had heard of the ranch that Grace had mentioned only seconds previously - in fact, it was somewhat similar to Crimson Dream's cottage with many goats that roamed around. "Wow, sheep? That's very cool! Back where I come from, we have a cottage with goats all around!" The mother could easily drag up some stories of border patrols where she'd had to scare some goats from off the very roof of the house, but the first things came first - did Grace know what a goat was?

At Grace's next comment, Ghita couldn't help but be remembered of her own niece, Artemis, who possessed the same exploring spirit as Ghita did when she was that age - and Grace was appearing to as well. "You're exploring, eh? Did you find anything interesting?" At first, the agouti fae was surprised to hear the child's exclamation, and her body portrayed this as her ears perked up instantly, but soon settled down as the motive behind the message was revealed. Shaking her head slightly, Ghita showed her opinion on the matter with a small, apologetic shrug. "I don't, actually. But I can probably smell the sheep if it's nearby - do you know the general direction?"

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