One Generation to Another
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Agh! This time the delay is all mine. So, so, so sorry! D:
Wc: 360~

Artemis definitely inherited Ghita's side of the Marino personality when it came to youthful wanderlust. The agouti fae herself was rarely careful when she was that age - and luck was frequently on her side as well. It was almost as if Nature herself commended those who could summon up the youthful cheer to exist in this world without some form of worry dogging you at every turn. But, with age, Ghita had mellowed out, ceased her adventuring to an extent, and grew (somewhat) more cautious - so although the young Artemis might cause her mother some worry in the short term, the enthusiastic aunt knew that everything would fall into place in time.

Grinning, the aunt couldn't help but feel a small spark of appreciation and excitement as Artemis quizzed her, almost as if she was revering the older woman for her carelessness. Just barely able to keep herself in check, she managed not to let herself get carried away with the tale, sticking to the facts... for the most part. "Nah - I wasn't too scared. I mean, I was a little, but I knew I had it under control. My mom just lent a helping hand." Unable to help giggling at the question of a frozen water monster, she shook her head almost reluctantly, bringing her story to a more boring conclusion. "No, there was no frozen water monster... and the lake was far away, back in Italy." Unfortunately, Ghita's mother had never made it to Canada, and the two had fallen out of communication once Ghita left the 'nest'. In fact, Savina had to tell Ghita that their mother had passed on - the fae had no other way of knowing.

Nodding sagely, the aunt silently had to congratulate Artemis' resourcefulness, although she did wonder how the silver pup had been caught in the room to being with. But as the girl spun her story honestly, instead of a disapproving look, a glint of mischief sparkled in Ghita's turquoise eyes. "You're not supposed to go too far, eh? Well... where would you like to go? And... why don't we go right now? Just you and me?"


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