aren't you a lil short for a storm trooper?
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WC: 300+

“Isn't rum everyone's weakness?” He chuckled a little as he took another gulp from the bottle in his hand, a smile still dancing on his face. Drinking always made the warrior more gutsy, not to say he wasn't one to stand up for himself and others, but the alcohol gave him a rebellious edge he normally was to goodhearted to be. After his last comment he wasn't surprised that neither Kansas or Ehno have the balls to tell him otherwise. Kansas' laughter just encouraged him further in his self indulgent chatter, “Yep. I got the biggest strapping young lad out of the three of us.” He boasted. He was proud of his son Aro, who wouldn't be? He was growing into a loving and empathetic oversized young male. Even better than his father before him and his father before him. At least Aro knew he could talk to his father about anything.

At Kansas' little secret was shared Jazper's laughing stopped. It was always an interesting feeling to be drunk. Some were happy, partying, and could smile through anything. Others would stumble about grumbling and cussing up a storm from being angry at what the world had offered them. Jazper hardly ever stomped around. However, everyone within the mansion could tell you that he was known to lose his temper on the odd touchy subject such as his family. The mention of Lucifer's sexual deviation from his adoptive mother would have been enough to send him on an emotional rant but Jazper had known Kansas since he was young, they were practically the same age.

A mix of emotions filled the Knight's brain. Kansas had slept with Lucifer AND Naniko. Looking to Ehno he tried to pick up on how he was going to react while he thought to himself. Here before them was a guy he had hated for having everything and eventually grew to like and then eventually started to grow a friendship with and he had to have something that was his. In Jazper's mind for a short moment an idea told him that Kansas had taken part of his family. He had helped encourage Lucifer to cheat on his mate and was directly involved with the hell he had to live with being juggled between two messed up parents. “How could you..?” He asked softly, all smiles gone from his face with an accusing look taking their place.


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