beyond this world is worth dying for

table © Alaine
ooc: dude, me either! we gonna wrap this up soon? (ha, pun)
wc: 500+

His response seemed less sluggish than before, and Alaine noted with relief that whatever dangerous dregs of shock may have been in his had been dismissed, for now at least. It was not unheard of for severe trauma patients to have re-percussive boughts of shock, and considering the likelyhood of this event having been severely damaging for the homely male, there was a certain chance of it. Regardless, his charming brogue sounded much firmer than before, and this satisfied the healer such that she managed a small smile.

At the mention of Inferni, the collie woman stiffened slightly. The pack held a strange and horrible place in her mind. Glancing up now, Alaine could see in the distance the gory spires that marked the territory's edge - Her spine shivered, pinpricked by barbs of ice. It was alarming to think that she'd wandered so close, so unwittingly, to the border of the packlands - Infernians were surely not known for their mercy, and she shuddered to think of what they could do to a lone trespasser.

"Not from here, no... From Cour des Miracles, Sir. I was just looking for some pla-" Her words cut off by a sharp hiss as he rose, the healer's eyes immediately going to the limp and strangely dangling arm that hang at his side. With a low curse under her breath Alaine immediately retrieved the final scraps of material from her satchel (darn, she'd have to rip up some more of the human-cloth) and began binding his arm, finishing with a sling that she neatly tucked around his neck to hold the arm steadily against the 'yote's chest. Taking a step back to survey her work a final time, the Apothecary gave a sharp nod of assent. It would have to do. The fella was just lucky she'd found him when she had, for he'd been in severe danger of infection or worse. "Well, Sir Cassius, it's the best I could do for you here." Her sharp emerald eyes lifted to his face as she bent to sling the leather satchel back over her shoulder, settling it against the curve of her hip, "You'll have to be mighty careful not to tear open the wounds on your back, and get a pack healer to dress it regularly or it'll get infected. Also! No heavy lifting. No heavy ANYTHING." She gestured broadly, fixing him with a pertinent and suspicious look. "I didn't save your hide just for you to bust it open again, duine uasal!"

Stepping out of the water, she seemed hesitant to leave him. Pausing a moment, the woman seemed to mull something over, before making a disgruntled sound in her throat and rummaging back through her bag. She pulled out the flask, still half full of the bitter frothy green liquid, and handed it out to him. "Take this... The pain will come, and your back will itch like fire until the wounds have closed. You will need it." She was reluctant to hand it over, as it was the last of her brew, but the situation required it. There was no telling what the Inferni healers had in stock, and by the sounds of the barbarian law, it was probably not as useful as her own brew.

Speak think walk


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