riddle me this

Yayness<3<3<3<3 =D

Gold and cinnamon with a splash of milk on the tip waved in the light breeze of a cooling season. The world continued to burst into his own colours around him, but the world was dying. His second winter was approaching and the young male seemed uncertain whether or not this was something to look forward to. The two legged male moved swiftly and effortlessly through the light underbrush to the south of Wolfville, lavender eyes critically sizing up his surroundings as he paced towards the distant borders, more specifically Flander’s Field and the overgrown graves. It was a beautiful, tranquil place, and lately the male had taken to the place. It offered him what his home could not any longer. Nothing was definitely wrong, but the male was troubled and unfit to remain too close to the pale white Stormbringer that he cared for.

Something else drifted along with the weary sounds of the weary world, and the male shifted automatically, amending his arranged path so that it would lead him to the unknown presence that had just made itself known by the borders. The young Alpha was grateful that most of Dahlia’s visitors and travellers had the manners to wait for a member to arrive rather than diving into the territory and get lost. Trespassers were frowned upon. He arrived to lay lavender eyes on a young female dressed in silver and midnight. The Soul male halted on good distance and let his muzzle draw up a fraction as he considered her. ”May I help you?” She did not seem lost, and so the corners of the golden male’s lips curled slightly upwards in anticipation.

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Table by Siekone

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