Peaceful minds

OOC here!

"Alright then. Stretch your arms and neck out a bit and we will get down to the fun." A bit of a devious grin stretched across the fem's maw. It was best to learn by doing. Such things took practice and repetition to be of much use when you actually needed them. Not typically having the time to think about the process. Anann stretched her own arms and neck out. "I figure we will start with some arm holds and such and see how that goes." She didn't know how much experience Niro had. He didn't seem at all like a fighter, but she highly doubted he was defenseless. It never hurt to brush up on those skills. In the honey hued woman's opinion everyone should be taught at least the very basics of defending themselves.

To the side of her home there was spot in the shade where the grass showed quite a bit of wear, as it was were Anann tended to train. The ground was fairly level and shaded by the wide spreading branches of a couple old trees. She had Niro stand near the center and she stood behind him. "Well start with something basic. Relax and don't resist yet." The best way out of hold was to not get into it in the first place, but you had to get there to learn how to get out. She passed her arm under his, and locked her hand behind his neck. Anann had read that humans had called it half nelson for whatever reason. "Okay, get out of it." Testing what he already knew, she wanted to see what he'd do and take the lesson from there.

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