I [P]romise you my heart, just promise one thing

XD Daw. I'm sure she does! I love the way you write, btw. <3

Wc: 291

There was something refreshing about being around a young member of the pack - and especially a relative to boot. Simply looking at Parker's enthusiastic grin and nod gave Ghita energy like what she hadn't had for ages. It didn't matter that Ghita was injured and Parker hadn't yet started to talk - they were partners in crime now - defenders of the innocent windmills that were subject to the wind and weather. If anything was wrong with the windmill - they'd find it.

Ears trained on Parker, she made sure she could hear the tiny footfalls of her lightly-hued niece, all the while slowly patrolling the windmill. She didn't doubt in Parker's ability to smell something funny, and so wasn't worried about not catching something the youngster had missed, but was more worried about her own preoccupations causing Ghita herself to miss a funny scent.

A few moments crept by in silence, with only pawprints to claim there had been any action, but that was a relief for Ghita. If there was nothing wrong with the windmill, that meant less work for Ehno later - he wouldn't have to repair too much of the windmill, and less worry all around. Turquoise optics sparkling with relief, Ghita opened her maw to ask if Parker had found anything when a scent met the roof of her mouth - a scent definitely not natural.

Letting a sigh escape from her chest, the fae double-checked the rotten plank to make sure, before calling Parker over. The plank was at about Ghita's shoulder, and luckily it had only rotten around the edges, and looked like something that would be easy and non-essential to move. "I think I found one, Parker - what do you think?"

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