[Joining] Morning Songs

Hey, sorry for delay! Band competitions and practices have been getting crazy haha. This is my first week/weekend off in three weeks!

“I think a cave would be best,” Gypsy nodded, the motion causing her hoops to quiver in her ear, but they were small enough to not make any noise. She liked the sound of a cave, somewhere permanent and already there, that she could fix up. A lot less effort then digging, and it would be cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter then a den.

“No I haven't been to that city, but I've seen a few others. I am new to this area, haven't been here much. New to the country really. I'll have to check it out once I've settled in more, gotten to know the area and other wolves.” She said, thinking about her past experiences with human cities. She loved to search for human items, and to try and figure out what each object was for. She had seen wolves wearing clothes, and she had avoided doing the same, except for the small jewelry bits she had found and loved so much. She had also seen the weapons from humans that so many used, and she longed to own one of those daggers. She had no want for the rifles and other guns and archery items, but a nice knife or dagger would be handy to have. She planned to find someone to trade for one, or to search one out in a city. Maybe she could in this city that Ember Phoenix spoke of...

She turned around as Ember did the same, following her lead, and started padding that way. She could smell the cool scent of rich earth being turned over, and knew some wolf was digging its den, or perhaps enlarging it for a family or mate? She smiled and padded onward, smelling the pine and the distant scent of mountain. She saw some piled rocks off in the distance, and wondered if there were any caves over in that direction.

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