[Joining] Morning Songs

"I moved to the village, into one of the houses, but I had a den of my own before that. It might even be open. I cleaned it out when I left, with the help of my friend Moonfyre." She wasn't sure if Moonfyre was her friend, exactly, but he was who she was living with. The question was whether he was more than that to her or not. Ember didn't want to get involved in the whole fluffy, lovey mateship that she had once imagined herself having with Dawali. She wanted to be by herself. Most days she could barely tolerate seeing the male or any other wolf at all, and often spent much of her time away from the house.

She started to lead Gypsy away from the village and toward the river, where her old den was. She'd dug between the vines of a willow tree to make the den. It was very expansive, with several different rooms in it, and the walls of it were lined with flat stones that she had carried back from the riverbeds. They were more for decoration than anything else. "It'd be up to you...but you could take a look at my old den if you want. It's already dug out..big enough for me, and I'm pretty tall. It's hidden, too" The tree was coming into view, and she looked at Gypsy questioningly, holding a few of the willow branches aside with one paw to show her the entrance when they reached it.


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