Happiness Unraveled
I suck pretty bad.
     Even though he could remember her, he could not recall most of what had occurred. Treasure, yes, and water and a voice that sounded like thunder. His memories had been slipping for a long time now, even though he would not admit such a thing. He could not recall much before the first fire. Some, but not all. Gabriel knew little in the ways of psychology and could not reason he had blocked out everything that was, to him, worthless. He was dehumanizing. Places of light and of love were worthless to him now.
     He wondered, briefly, if he could have loved her once. She was beautiful. It was a selfish thought which he dismissed. There was no room for love in his world. There was only room for blood. Even as she brought out her secret, even as gold and glittering jewels spread among her hand, he thought of that night. Of her scream. Of how Haku’s blood had tasted in his mouth.
     There was no more room for love in him.
     Yet his eyes brightened, and his face smiled fondly as if he too remembered only the sunlight. “Where did you run off too?” He asked quietly.

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