face down
Tamerlane had got on with Phasma Kiles, and conversed with her after the joining process was finished and floated into nothing, and he found her to be charismatic and friendly. He was certainly the type of wolf to decide upon the traits he noticed in others, but he didn't judge them; he didn't get close to them, and he didn't generalise or assume about them. Thus, it did interest him to know that Kiles had been an Alpha elsewhere, but only slightly. She did show a precise knowledge of pack etiquette and local history, after all; it made sense to hear that she had once held a position of higher power. Not long, he replied to the sleek stranger whose interest and fluency seemed to run on the same level as his own. He was about to elaborate, but the acid-minded child proceeded to speak up before he had a chance to, slipping in his own opinion of Faolin. Yes, it made sense to Tamerlane that the wolf-hating boy would hate Faolin in turn for being so unconventional, and although he thought Faolin an unassuming young woman, he had no feelings that prevented him from looking at the coyote boy with nothing but open-minded, mild inquisitiveness. Why do you say that? he asked, leaving room for the angel-eyed little demon to argue his case.

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