Crossing into Forbidden Land

OOC: Hope you don't mind but Katie asked me to jump in with Jazzypant Wink

WC: 500+

With Ghita getting well into the second half of the pregnancy Jazper's nerves began to drive him into a frantic mess. He dared not let Ghita go far from the mansion, and he wouldn't put up with her being alone. Now the problem with his mate was that there was no way in heaven or earth that she would put up with him forcing the rule that she be accompanied by another member of the pack when she left the mansion, just like a pup. It wasn't that he didn't trust his mate to be alone, he just didn't trust the rest of the world when his future pups were the lives on the line. He was bad enough when it came to watching Aro and Sophia going through their 'independent' stage but here was his second litter and he wanted nothing more than for them to be perfectly happy and healthy.

His obsession over keeping Ghita and his future pups safe landed him on the job of stalking his own mate around silently, which was rather difficult for a 4”, 330 lbs giant figure. He had followed her from a distance since she left the mansion earlier staying within a small distance from her just in case. Chances were she probably knew he was around but he hoped that he scent would be everywhere, since he had marked the territory here and there. A sudden increase in her pace left the Knight on guard and slightly shaken with confusion. It wasn't every day a pregnant wolf went running towards the boarders. Following her from a distance he kept up with a light jog, she didn't move fast with her new belly hanging low, and was surprised to see a strange dog eating away on their land.

Ghita's warning was a natural response to the situation. It wasn't taken kindly when other canines were found trespassing on claimed territory. That was their prey on their territory be it a small animal or not. The trespasser didn't appear to be very old, just entering the 'teenage' years if Jazper had to put an age on the male. He stayed calmly behind the trees watching carefully knowing in his mind that the pup would be scared off by Ghita and leave. However, the wild dog did not do what the warrior thought he would, instead he barked back and continued eating. A growl grew in the protectors belly as he walked out into view. If the kid wouldn't listen to a lady perhaps a giant warrior would give him the fright. “And who do you think you are? You know it's not really nice for me to hear a bratty kid on our land snap back at my mate.”. Did the kid not think this through? No male in their right mind would let a wolfess in the later weeks of pregnancy walk around without staying near by and no male would let their mate be talked back to by a little dog thing.


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