Round about way

OOC: If there’s something wrong with this tell me!!! <3

Shawchert was so deep in thought that he’d nearly walked right under all the rustling, but he was snapped from his daze when he heard the odd rustles of the tree. It really wasn’t that windy… and hearing the over ripened fruits dropping helped too. He was right under the tree now and all he had to do was look up. There he saw pink and white. He raised his eyebrows confused, those were very odd colors to see in this area let alone this time of year, but then this tree was also not a tree that had pink in it. He came to his sensed more when he saw it was moving, and struggling, it was a wolf! And she was in trouble. Shawchert had to act. He was no tree climber himself, mostly because of his big bulk. Though because of it, it didn’t take him long to reach the branch where the little wolf was hanging on.

I’m here to help you.

He said, as he pulled himself up… oh boy don’t look down, he told himself, as he pulled himself up higher. He got to her foot, which seemed the reason she was in this predicament. He took a hold of her foot and maneuvered it around so that she was free. It wasn’t that hard but it had been stuck in there. He sighed with slight relief though he was still sweating. He didn’t admit to fear very well but he sure was afraid of most heights.

I think I’ve got you.

He said, even though he was afraid he was still there t help, the little thing on the limb wouldn’t be that hard to carry down, but he didn’t know how much pride she had, he looked up at her, and decided anyway, he moved up a little more before taking her one handed by the waist, feeling regret almost at once but as they weren’t too far up, he only had to think about the few extra feet. Though that was even almost too much for him. She seemed light as a feather as he climbed down with one hand and two feet, his nails had to dig into the bark as they went down, but it was not a slow climb, it was actually quicker, so much so that he was relieved when he touched the ground. He set her on the ground gently.

Are you alright? Anything broken?

He asked, looking at her with that worried look he gave to anyone who’d been in danger. He wasn’t normally around for a rescue but he had such a cool head that sometimes it seemed as though he just scooped wolves up like that every day.

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