he believed in forgiveness
Sounds fine.

His small display of physical affection, although not surprising, arrived a bit unexpectedly. Geneva felt a small flutter in her chest, one of wamrth. The feeling inside her chest, as tremulous and small as the wings of a young moth, was almost unfamiliar. She had experienced the cold thrill of nerves setting her heart fluttering or hammering, but the innocence of his touch, although it seemed strange to think of it as innocent, warmed her to no end. They had come a long way, the two of them, since the cold, cruel months of the previous spring.

"Our son has outgrown having me as his constant shadow," Geneva said with a small, faux sniff of indignation. There was a levity to her words. She was making fun of herself, and acknowledging the fact that she did indeed hover. Sometimes it was so hard to let Pripyat wander off on his own, although he was certainly old enough to do so without her as his constant shadow. She still worried about him, but not to the point that it drove her to fits of anxiety. She would always worry, as any mother would, but she knew that Pripyat was intelligent and capable of handling himself, so long as he did not stray far from the places that he knew best.

"I'm afraid that means that I will have to find someone else to attach myself to. I wonder who I should choose..." Geneva mused teasingly, tenderly tracing her fingertips over his ragged brow, her fingers touching the ridges of scar tissue on his face. It was nice to simply sit there with him and share the uncomplicated intimacy that had eluded them for so long.

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