Dwindle and Fade

400+ words

And what had brought the pup to grassy field he was sniffing? Vibrant green blades were snorted up the black nostrils, causing a tickle in his nose with each breath. It smelled so nice, he couldn't stop himself from doing it again and again. Eventually, he sneezed, sending his young body onto his rump in surprise.

From his sitting position, he examined the area he had wandered into. Kambujiya hadn't been paying attention to his steps, simply following strange tracks he found nearby, almost like the small and curved moon in the sky but wider and rounder. They certainly weren't like tracks he had seen before, but they smelled a bit like the long-legged, wide-birthed quadrupeds in the stable. Horses, a creature as unfamiliar as the ocean. Kam smiled, proud at his deduction. Of course, they were horse tracks! They had to be, since they smelled like a horse. It was the first truly cohesive thought he had achieved, and his tail thudded against the ground in excitement.

He lingered in his praise for a moment longer before continuing on his trail, taking up a brisk trot deeper into the grassy area. Heavy paws crushed the delicate green blades to the ground as he trekked, pausing ever so often to get his bearings. Finally, the sight of his 'prey' came into view, head lowered to graze in the lush foliage. It was golden, a white mane trailing across his head, forelock braided. The sight was astounded to the young male who had seen horses for the first time only recently, and was still not quite used to them.

Anxiously, he inched forward, moving in a big arc around the horse. The bright glimpse of red caught his eye and turned his attention away, seeking out the source. From a distance, it appeared to be another wolf, auburn dusted coat of graying white standing against the vibrant green hue. His ears perked; since his invitation to the Cour des Miracles, he had become less reserved and sought to interact, especially with those who lingered alone. He wondered silently if the wolf was nice, slinking close to the ground as he trotted towards it. By the time he came upon the stranger, a female with her eyelids lowered, his stomach trailed along the ground.

The excitement he felt was nearly uncontainable, though the common anxiety of meeting another rushed to his chest. Regardless, he wiggled a few centimeters closer and let his ears fall back, tail thudding against the ground softly. "Hi. You looks sleepy."

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