Crossing into Forbidden Land

I think by now Jazz can probably sue for spousal abuse. XD
Wc: 578

Generally, what with her high position, Ghita got fairly little attitude thrust towards her like the statements Zephyr was throwing to her now. Unruffled, the nomadic fae had seen more than her share of hardships and rough-around-the-edges wolves to know how to hold her ground, and merely lifted what could be seen as a wolvine eyebrow in response. Taking a calm breath in, the calm exterior was a simple facade hiding the tone to come, seeping with danger in her voice. "I don't need to scare you to drive you off of this land." The words themselves weren't of a too threatening nature, but Ghita's tone just glided on the fine edge of ice and malice.

Hinting at a second look at the canid which had invaded, the fae's orbs told her that she had never seen anything quite like this arrogant dog, what with his oversized ears and mottled colouring. Muscles tensing in thought, she withheld her stand-offish position well, stock-still as she balanced, boring her gaze into Zephyr's orbs if he so chose to look up. If the boy was mistaking her leg to be a hinderance to speed, he was right - but perhaps not to the extent he so desired. Ghita was a wolfess built for speed, with her slender body and lithe frame, and even slowed down by her injured leg she could still outrun most of her pack.

"I actually wasn't offering any help to you, simply by getting you off of my lands. As the pack's chief huntress, I'm willing to allow you that kill, but I will not make any more allowances." Speaking calmly once more, as the boy lowered his head Ghita took one step towards him, then two, letting her ebony lips raise to reveal pearly teeth below.

Just as the tensions seemed to be rising to a boiling point, a scent Ghita hadn't quite noticed before - but couldn't help but acknowledge as her mate's, wafted into her nostrils, causing the fae to roll her eyes just before he came into sight. Her ebony mate meant well, definitely, but at times he had trouble understanding Ghita's need to be free, not tied down, no matter how much her body desired it. She couldn't help but appreciate her mate's presence, though - Jazper towered at least a head above her in most forms, and was a very intimidating presence nonetheless.

Keen as she was to let her mate deal with the intruder, Ghita's pride was at stake here. If she couldn't defend her own property, she certainly wasn't ready to defend a small litter of puppies. Then again, those thoughts were silly and needless - she had defended her first litter well enough, and she wouldn't be alone in defending her second litter as well. "Fancy seeing you here, Jaz..." The fae voiced, barely containing her mild annoyance for the sake of company. She knew that her mate appearing wasn't a simple coincidence, as he'd hope her to imagine - but the fact of the matter would have to be brought up at a later time.

Letting herself indulge her curiosity for the moment, Ghita allowed herself to take another look at the male snacking away at his 'lunch', his arrogant attitude too familiar to the mother with children around that age. Turning a narrowed eye to Zephyr, then to Jazper, then back to the large-eared male once more, she finally voiced the question preying on her mind. "Just how old are you?"

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