You calm the storms

He had been meaning to introduce Nayru to the pups for some time now, but had been unsuccessful when trying to locate her around the mansion. Gideon hadn't been able to spend much time roaming Dahlia with his two charges still too young to leave the safety of the house, and wasn't able to leave them for very long periods of time anyway, even if he could leave them in the house. The only real breaks that he got was when they were napping or sleeping for the night..and some nights that wasn't for very long.

He was about to walk through the door when it opened in on him, Nayru coming through. He returned the nuzzle that she gave him, tail wagging. He hadn't seen her in what felt like forever! She commented on the pups before his mind could formulate what he wanted to say to her first, deciding the order in which he would speak. "No, not Conor's" He said quietly, motioning toward the couch. "Mine" He had adopted them, after all. That meant that they were his children now. "Melee is the darker one..and Range is the lighter."

He walked back toward the pups, looking from them to Nayru."It's a long story, I guess. I found them" That was all that anyone really needed to know, that he had found them abandoned and that they were now safe in Dahlia. Gideon had missed Nayru's company over the last few weeks, and tried to hide his excitement at being able to see her again. He realized that he was staring at her and cleared his throat, turning his turquoise gaze back to the young ones.

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Table by Anna

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