Ear-lye in the morning

<3 <3 Very nice avatar Smile

These pups were very cute, Gideon had noticed. The two of them were growing up fast, and their coats were beginning to show some of what their adult coloration would someday be. It was obvious that Melee would be somewhat darker than Range; her overall coloration had always been a few shades darker, and now that her coat was developing he could see the differences between the two. Both pups looked completely unlike Gideon, though the dead pup that he had found alongside them in the bag had been nearer his shade. The mother wolf, or whoever that had been that had dropped them off, had been very darkly colored.

He watched the youngsters in their play, a small smile upon his muzzle. The male was beginning to see subtle changes in each pup’s personality and attitude as they learned more about their environments. He liked it when he could let them go outside and play because he didn’t want them to think that their whole entire world consisted of the quaint bedroom that they occupied inside the house. Melee was obviously the leader of the small faction, despite her deformed paw, and was often the one to instigate small tussles and play-fights with her lazier sibling.

”Melt her heart?” Gideon repeated, his head tilting to the side in thought. Nayru didn’t seem like she would be too much of a puppy-lover to him, but maybe she would like them because of the fact that he cared for them. He hoped so! ”I think they would like her too” He was beginning to realize how much he had taken on that night by picking up the bag and taking them back to Dahlia with him, that these pups would affect him for the rest of his life. This was alright with him, though, as long as he could be the one to improve theirs and make it better. Burning up in a fire was too sad of a beginning and ending for their story. Here they had a chance at being able to grow up and be normal, fun-loving pups.

Conor inquired about Gideon’s well-being and the teenaged wolf managed a shrug from his prone position. Every day was different, and yet the same. He had a routine going with Melee and Range that wasn’t disturbed too terribly often. ”It’s the same just about every day. Once these guys are a bit older…and I’m a bit older, I’ll have more responsibility in the pack. Won’t I?” He would be a full adult in a few more months. ”Maybe someday I’ll be a leader like you” He said.

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