Cercatori D'Arte

Skye nodded to the wolf who had spoken after her - Lucia Marino. She looked a bit like her, with the same sandy coloration, but different eyes and darker spots around her face. She wondered what art she partook in - if any at all, that was. Although the pack was for artists, she knew that members of any kind were valuable for the pack and always wanted. She smiled to Lucia, hoping that she'd get to know her better later on and become good friends.

Skye's attention was diverted, however, as Sepirah, the coyote she'd encountered at Inferni's borders, stepped up and whispered lowly to Shawchert. She apparently had changed her mind, and wanted to go back to Inferni. Skye felt slightly sad - she'd wanted to know more about the mysterious coyote - but understood. After all, she was a part of another pack, and even if Skye didn't know the bonds and loyalty a pack member had to his or her pack, she did know that it couldn't be easy to switch from one to the other. And she was glad when Shaw said the coyote could visit.

Next came the stranger, the new one, Ouija. Skye could have told from looking at him that he was artistic - his body showed it all. Dyes of every color streaked his naturally-white fur, and smudges of paints of different kinds dotted the canine. He said some words and took out some of his things - a strange doll that resembled someone, and a double-edged dagger, not unlike Skye's own knife she kept in the pocket of her pants. She admired his handiwork before turning back to Shaw to see what he now had to say.

It seemed that they were leaving the beach, like Skye knew they would; and Shaw was changing into his halfling form! Not wanting to be left behind, Skye changed; but into her Lupus form. She tucked her chin close to her neck and closed her eyes, concentrating. So much shifting in one day! Her fur grew coarser and slightly longer, and the hair on the top of her head shifted from auburn to cream and shrank. Her fingers shortened into paw stubs, and before long, a wolf stood where Skye's optime form had been seconds ago. Stuffing her clothes into her hand-made bag, she slipped her paw into the loop and took off after Shaw.

It took shorter than she thought it would, and she quickly shifted out of sight of the other canines. Putting on her clothes in a rush, she stepped into the clearing Shaw had stopped in, and marveled at the beauty of her new home.

"I know not all of us know how to draw, I for one am not the best, but if we have any paints, I’m afraid I have only light yellow paint, but I figured a mural of sorts would show the others what we are all about."

Skye nodded and dug around in her pocket before drawing out her long dagger. "Maybe we could make the sign on a tree," she suggested. Looking around, she pointed with her knife towards a thick tree; short but wide. "We could carve in the name of our pack."

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