M. When we collide
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Your choice if he would like to get pecked at by a bird and led to the borders XD emby talks to animals. Also, can we backdate this by a few weeks? Or would that mess anything up?

It had been a very, very long ride to Inferni. Ember hadn’t realized how long of a trip it would be when she had first started it, and thanked the heavens that she had remembered to pack some meat and her fire-starting kits. She’d ended up stopping a little over halfway there to set up camp for the night, having worn a backpack that strapped around her front legs. The female was spending some time getting to know herself a little better and had been doing so for the last few weeks, trying to stay in her unshifted lupus form as much as possible. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the optime form…just that she felt like she needed a change. This was something that she could control and change.

The four-legged wolf trotted along at a pretty steady pace, somewhere between a walk and a jog, going around trees and leaping over fallen logs without pause. She was used to traveling and running, having trained each morning for months in just such a way, and was a creature of endurance. Her breath came out in even pants, not labored but not normal breathing either. She kept a comfortable pace.

She was slowly getting to where she felt a little better, but was still often plagued by thoughts of the demon puppies that she had tried to destroy. They were never supposed to be born…they were never supposed to have happened in the first place. Who could blame her for wanting to get rid of something that she had never chosen to give birth to in the first place? Ember had been forced into it and had lost her position as a leader and had lost months and months of training during her pregnancy. They’d been nothing but trouble.

They were gone now…out of sight and out of mind. The female still found herself depressed and felt alone quite often, but her friend Moonfyre lived with in the village and he kept an eye on her. It was sad that someone had to watch her to be sure that she didn’t do something stupid to herself, though, like she had attempted in the past. There were nights when she could do nothing but sit and stare at the wall, unmoving, unfeeling, and other nights where she felt nearly normal again. It depended on the night.

She glanced up to the sky and growled a bit to herself; it looked as if it were about to start raining at any moment, now, which put a dampener on the generally neutral mood that she had been feeling for most of the day. Ember hurried a little more, approaching Inferni’s border. She sat down beyond the line of scent that separated the clan, now unsure of whether she ought to howl or sit and wait. Maybe she would send a bird or something in to peck at Cotl and let him know that she was here for a visit.

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