[M] i smell a massacre.

yay creepy. also yay 100th post with eris :o

The only thing for the woman to cling to in Inferni was the hope of finding out what she so desperately needed to know. There was hope in her yet for some redemption in her father; as she knew nothing about the man, her imagination had been completely free to run rampant. She had imagined him as a king and alpha, both—even, imagining the blue-eyed demon was her father. Such thoughts should have dampened her passions, as they might have for a normal being; however, the sable-shaded woman had only found herself aroused at the prospect of sharing blood with such a canine. To have unknowingly tasted his flesh as well was simply an unexpected boon.

Though it had been this man's very connection to that demon that had at first drawn Eris to him, the sable-shaded woman was not blind to the magic coursing through him, either. It was of a far more subtle nature than the one embodied in the azure-eyed man; Larkspur was no god bound to flesh. In some way, this suited her—Eris did not think she was ever capable of sustained closeness with Haku. He would have killed her, surely—though she had been willing to die the first night, there was a nagging attachment to life in waking hours that had convinced her otherwise. The corners of her mouth curled downward in a frown, and she looked at him curiously, expectantly—she was not so brash as to demand or even ask of him to share more than he had just then. “It might have crossed their minds once or twice,” she said, thinking of Halo.

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