Cercatori D'Arte


Skye took her knife and contemplated the wide tree she'd pointed out for a second or two before she stepped forward and dug her knife in the wood. The bark was surprisingly soft - enough for her to be able to carve the letters in the pack name easily, but not so much so that it would fall apart. The words were large - 'Cercatori' took up the entire one side of the tree, so she wrote "d'Arte" below it. It took time - but the end result was worth it. The enormous, swirling letters seemed to fly off the tree and present itself in the very land that surrounded it - it was beautiful, majestic. Everything a name could be.

Skye smile to herself - 'make your mark' was what Shaw had said. Make your mark. Skye had made her mark - if Cercatori d'Arte lasted forever and ever, her mark would still be here, in the form of the letters on that tree, carved by the knife her father gave her. That mark would be there forever, long after the moss and vines overtook the tree again. Because underneath the green nature, it'd still be there - a monument of what they'd done.

The rest of the members were working on other things - Shawchert had been working around her, and she noticed that he'd drawn several beautiful markings around "Cercatori d'Arte" so that it looked like some sort of ancient relic ready to be explored again. It looked absolutely remarkable - incredible. It didn't look uniform and solid and unremarkable, like a fence or a gate might be - but neither did it strike fear into one's heart like the horrible Inferni borders. It instilled a sense of awe in Skye; it was abstract, free-forming; flowing. It showed what this pack was all about - it showed that finally, after months of being lost in Souls, she was home.

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