Burnin' your ticket for that long black train
The ground shook, it wasn’t a soft shaking like someone running a of heard of animals, The male had been in the pinch of bad hearing long enough that he was able to feel the grounds under his paws and understand what was going around him. Green uprooted shrubs came out of the sky, the Loner looked around, he had seen a lot of things with in late, but flying bushes from heavens were new to him. Looking back the male saw nothing be hide him as he took a carefully aimed step back making sure that not a one of these heavenly bushes hit him in the head. There was no more bushes the male gave a shake of his head with a content sigh, he was safe form the wraths of the gods for now.

Then to his luck there were more, rocks ranging from pebbles to nice size stone.”What in the..” The silver beast seen one out of the corner of his good eye zooming down towards him, with a quick move he ducked his head down feeling the breeze of the rock flying past him. The male looked back up as he seen an adult wolf tumbling down the face of the rocky hill. Then his smooth landing and trying to play it out ever so softly.”A..A..are you oh..oh..okay?” The male hated these studded fits.

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