Never Tear us apart
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Yay! Big Grin 300+

Nayati had been reeling ever since that night he had invited Liliana over for dinner. He had started out that day thinking that he had done something to make her hate him, and it had ended with her kissing him. He hadn't consciously been trying to avoid her since then, he was only trying to figure out his own feelings. For so long he had only thought about Asha Amara in that way. The Utina was not the type to hold those kinds of feelings for multiple people at once. He had been so hung up on his childhood best friend though, that he had never given the thought that he could feel that way for someone else, even when she had not been around him since he had come to this tribe. Without knowing it though, his heart had changed direction without his permission or even his awareness. He had known that he really like Liliana, and had really cared for her, but until that night he hadn't realized how much she truly did mean to him. The kiss had been a shock, but it had been far from unpleasant, even though it had lasted but a second.

The past few days, Nayati had been trying to pin down his own feelings before looking for Liliana to talk with her about what had happened. Throughout his own soul searching, and with talking to Onawa, he had come to realize that he felt the same way for her that she felt for him. He cared about the hybrid woman as more than just a friend, and now whenever he thought of her he felt a certain tingling in his chest. Remembering the kiss made his skin flush with heat. He had never been kissed before, not like that, and he knew that he didn't want that to be the only time his lips met with Liliana's.

Finally, he felt ready to go and find her. He knew that she made sure to be out of the stables when he was usually there, so he was heading there at a time that was far out of his schedule, hoping he would fine her. Nayati knew that she was probably horribly embarrassed, and that his waiting to find her would have only made that worse, but he had felt he owed it to both of them to sit down and figure his own emotions out before approaching her. As he came up on the stables he moved quietly and his ears picked up on movement inside. It had to be her inside with the horses. Swallowing, he made his way to the open door of the building and his heart jumped at the sight of her. A couple seconds ticked by, and then taking a deep breath, he spoke. "Liliana?" It was all he could manage to say right then, and he hoped she wouldn't run away from him. ... bottom.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat; height:52px;">

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