Dwindle and Fade

The youth couldn’t help her mouth from rising up into a smile. She had heard the wolf swishing through the grass before he had approached her. His pace was gentle and hesitant at first, then anxious and excited as he circled a certain part of the field. Carefully, Ever had listened, body still sprawled, as the male jogged quickly around her companion. Normally, she would have been concerned for her friend, but by the sound of the hushed breeze his form made that had a certain echo, the female could tell the wolf was small.

She hadn’t thought anyone would find her so thick into the field, but evidently she was wrong. A breeze tugged at her fur and carried a high voice that felt like it could lift the sky if it wanted too. Excitement crackled in the air behind the sound. Ever had never thought things could be interoperated so differently behind closed lids.

Slowly, the youth rolled to her side, eyes opening to reveal bright irises the color of misty ocean water. He was much smaller than she had thought, only months by the thickness of his fur. His tail thumped like a wood pecker’s beak on a tree. Gradually Ever’s smile increased before she responded to his inquiry.

And you don’t, little one.

Ever had little experience with pups but she wasn’t an enemy to their fluffy faces and large eyes they would grow into eventually. The boy’s excitement seemed to add to her intrigue.


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