I’m yours and that’s it

He had been so excited to finally have a dinner with her. It had been slightly upsetting that the other one he had made had gone to waste, but that was no matter now. After all, now they would be enjoying the meal as two that cared deeply for one another instead of two friends who were having problems. The other time things had started off excruciatingly. This time, there would only be good feelings to remember.

Liliana's pretty brown orbs looked up at him after he revealed his little surprise and he was overjoyed to see that she liked it. "It is not nearly so lovely as you are." It was a very cheesy thing to say, and he did feel a bit like an adolescent saying it, clumsy and inexperienced, but he did mean every word of it. He had always thought that she was pretty, but now that his true feelings for her had been revealed no one nor nothing else could rival her beauty in his eyes.

She entered his hut and sat down in front of the food, clearly waiting for him to join her. Nayati took a seat near her, but not so near that they couldn't both eat comfortably. After he had cooked the pheasant he had slicked it with his knife to split it into small portions. Along with the potatoes and tomatoes, there would be plenty of food for the two of them. He delicately picked up a sliced portion of the meat and set it down before her, looking at her expectantly. "You try it first," he encouraged. The hunter had made this meal for her, and wanted to make sure that she liked it before partaking himself.

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