How soon is now?
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Your avatars always amaze me. So pretty.


There was a certain happiness to a blank journal and one that Zenith had often spoke of not wanting to soil. That creature used to take forever to write in a new journal someone would find and it had always flustered Sed. The journal had different scrawlings through it, tiny maps and descriptions; even names for those that he had trouble remembering. Turning to the small family tree and Berowick page he put down a few lines and wrote, as well as crossing out 'Teri Wick' underneath the crossed out Jikara and Seon. The lines that led down would only contain his children since he knew mothers would be something that few would want to speak of. About to turn the page he heard the quiet steps of another and he glanced up. Ice blue eyes glanced at the white gauze and the tutu and couldn't help but smile. Finishing another couple of lines he closed the book and turned his attention to the female sitting there.

"Another survivor of the fire." An idle comment and one that he hoped wouldn't spark off an emotional backlash. Every wolf he met was obviously a survivor but it didn't stop the words from coming. A gentle sigh escaped his lips and he cut to the chase, curious as always to know how exactly 'legendary' his cousin had been. "Did you happen to know Salvaged Eternity?" Feel rather rude for not introducing himself he added, "Sedition Wick, a cousin of his."


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