Red tinted glass

OOC: heheh time to rumble

Jace loved the morning. The start of a new a day was like the beginning of a new era, everything could restart and recharge and face the world again. The crisp air cooled her body down as it entered her lungs. The steady loping created an unwanted excess of heat from her muscles. She heard Temo's pants as they traveled side by side. The land around them began to grow tall sprouting grasses that tickled her belly and made her giggle.

She looked over at Temo and smiled, the smile distorting the scars on her face

"Wouldn't it be amazing to live here? The sun is so warm and friendly, it doesn't shine this bright in the arctic"

She hadn't been in Souls' more than half a lunar cycle and she was already feeling happy here, it allowed the coldness around her heart to warm a little and also allowed her to forget the horror of her past.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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