Red tinted glass

I'm at work so my posts may be a while in coming.

Temo Wolfe

Pacing Jace as they loped through the grass, feeling the blades brush his belly fur. Feeling happy on this cold and crisp morning as his lungs drew in the cold air and exhaled his hot breath, keeping his body from overheating as they traveled. A bit of a smile on his muzzle as he enjoys the exertion.

Glancing sideways at Jace when she speaks to him, Temo glances around at the landscape, "It's ok, a bit too open to my liking, but the sun is nice and warm." His heart seems to not be bothering him to travel so much any more. Not really ready to settle yet, but not having the urge to press on.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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