cramming the world into a (phrase)

indent Everything was absurd, really. Existence had been a random act, a chance collision of particles in the empty hole of space. The universe was growing still—though according to some theories, this meant one day it would shrink. One day time would reverse itself and all the wrongs of the world would be taken back. His son and daughter would live again, only to be erased, as he would in time. It was an abstract thought, but one that lay comfortably in his schema.

indentFlicking an ear back to the words, Ahren hesitated his response by again dragging deep on the tobacco. “The question of Being has remained with us all along,” he said quietly, listening to the wind. “He is a part of you; he is id, the primal urges within all of us. Neither he or you can stand alone.” This was said with certainty, as though Ahren had somehow known this all along.


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