[AW] First Chance
Sorry for delay in posting! D: And thank you! ^^ Glad you like my RP style Smile

Suddenly a large dark gray male appeared before her, and she started. Though she had been searching for wolves, she had not expected one to come to her instead. She tilted her head and listened to his words, and smiled. "Hello Echo, She wagged her tail gently in greeting, but kept her eyes and body lowered just enough to show respect. She may have been accepted into the pack, but she was still new, and in usual packs the newbies were the ones who needed most to show respect. She didn't think this male's ranking was too high up there, but you never knew, and either way he was probably an experienced member of the AniWaya, and therefore ranking above her. "I am Gypsy, and yes I am new here. New to the country in fact." She laughed softly, and her amber eyes danced with happiness. She was finally going to be able to call somewhere "home"! Her gaze traced the bushes and lands around her, and then went back to the male before her. He called himself Echo.

His eyes were a stunning golden color, probably not too different from her own amber coloring, and deep red battle scars crossed his body at random. When he blinked, she caught sight of another scar on his left eyelid, and she wondered what kind of fights he had been in. She got the feeling he was young, perhaps even younger then herself, and had had plenty of experiences in life, but probably fairly different from her own.


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