Red tinted glass

OOC: sorry this took so long! Wc: 300+

Voices, unfamiliar at that. The woman’s ears caught the audio of two different canines eastward from her current position. With new found zest, the hybrid abruptly claimed the stake of investigating the matter profoundly; her pace quickening in their direction. Whoever it was had crossed the border, and as the two scents graced her muzzle; unmixed with Inferni essence, and substantially reeking of wolf, she was the first to become extremely defensive. Did they even know what they were doing? Did they know what happened to trespassers? Did they know what happened to wolves that got in the coyote’s clans way? An unsatisfied grudge trembled up her voice chords, rattling the cage of her teeth.

Then she saw them. Them, who paid no obliviousness to anyone or thing. Them, who had now crossed the borders of Inferni territory. Them, wolves. The word repulsed the hybrid, almost forcing her to spit. Both were rather large compared to her small figurine, but no, that didn’t stop the pale one approaching them in the most intimidating, slithering entrance she knew. Stealthily her eyes followed from behind, her feet shortly after, until she was comfortable with her perch behind the two.

She stopped and stood tall, her posture cocky she carelessly played with her claws; scraping them off against one another. ”AHEM...” she interjected rather loudly; making sure her importance was heard. Pursing her lips the woman lifted her fine head up to theirs “Do you know what happens to trespassers around these parts?” slithered the arrogant harsh tone past her lips, she knew it oh too well. Pointing to the mounted display of skulls limply hanging upon their totems a wicked smile played across the vixens snout, she placed careless steps around them so now she was in their path way, wherever there destination was prior would have to be cancelled.. Oops.


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