Happiness Unraveled
     He sensed sorrow, and he sensed the same darkness she felt in him, and he knew that God was as cruel to those who did not know Him as to those who did. Strangers suffered. She was a friend to him once, but a stranger now, even though they were bound by that silly little thing. Gabriel might have spoken to her about devils and demons and found she knew them well. It would not surprise him. The world was vast, and the creatures in it equally as terrible. Nothing supernatural had to exist in order for evil to be done. Gabriel believed in sin, but he believed the sinners responsible—not the Devil, not anything of that nature. People alone were evil. That he knew as truth.
     His name fell from her lips and sounded like a spell. It sounded righteous, as it was supposed to be. He took heart in this, and closed his eyes as he smiled sadly. “I’ve been running since I was a child. Ran all the way to the other side of the world and back just to fight monsters.” A pause. His eyes opened, raptor-like in their intensity. “He’s dead.” She deserved to know if she did not. The beast had almost claimed her, as he had claimed so many others.

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