[M] i smell a massacre.

The sable-shaded hybrid was far more accustomed to the gentle lover, one who took her slowly and guided her along. Eterne had many such canines, high-ranking slaves whose sole purpose was to impart pleasure on their masters, and she had enjoyed enough of them in her time there. The coal-colored hybrid had never owned one, but then again, she was never left wanting for attention too long. Suitors weren't difficult to come by there; it was here that she had her boredom and irritation in such an area, surrounded by canines who did not seem to understand the value and virtue of sex.

Larkspur was not gentle; there was nothing more than animal in him, and as soon as she had her closeness with him, his hands were on her, twisting and pulling and adjusting her to suit his needs, scarcely so much as aware of hers. However brutal this was, it served its purpose well, and the sable-colored woman quickly found herself at his mercy, twisted around so they moved like their ancestors must have. Impaled was not quite the right word, and Eris found the act and his silence and brutish demeanour exhilarating, writhing and bucking against his movements. She cried out as his teeth found her flesh, sharp spires of pain digging into her flesh to accompany the far sharper feeling of pleasure seething through her body.

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