A time for greater things

rofl and here I was planning like a 200 wc post...

Anann hoped to make visits to Crimson Dreams fairly often. Finding many good friends in the neighboring pack. Haven's mother and sister being among those she called friends. "Yeah, Rem and I went for a visit when they were still fairly young. Rem played with the boys til they fell fast asleep." The softer nature of the horse had been quite surprising to Haven's tawny mother and she supposed it was quite unique. "Two played tug with his mane, Alder pranced around pretending he was horse, trying his best to make whinny noises. It was too cute." At the time the visit had been all Rem's idea and Anann had just gotten dragged along. In the end she had been glad she had gone. Though it had left her with feeling of regret that she would likely never know what it was to have a family of her own.

Pleasantries and the introductions of their weapons over it was time to get down to business. She felt excitement and maybe a bit of nervousness. It had been a long time since she had faced a living opponent. It had even longer since she had sparred against someone who's fighting style she wasn't already familiar with. It was an even playing field though and she was sure they would both be holding back as they felt things out.

Anann always preferred to play the defensive. Choosing to block and counter rather than striking out at her opponent. Letting him come to her. The dagger strapped to her thigh would easily reveal that she was likely left handed to the observant. Yet she gripped the single sword in the right. When one is used to wielding two weapons at once it hardly matters in which hand she gripped one. The first blow was an easy block, as it was surely meant to be. Still Anann was surprised at the force of the blow, having slightly underestimated what would come from the heavier sword and its wielder. A broad grin setting across her maw as she countered, her lighter blade giving her a slight speed advantage.

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