I’m yours and that’s it


He hadn't wondered too much about Liliana's parents before. Before it hadn't seemed to be anything of importance to their relationship, but now that he was courting her, well, it seemed quite important. The Utina listened with interest as she explained the various things that her own parents had taught her. Of course, he had known her mother had taught her how to train horses, but he hadn't known the other things. "Where are your parents Liliana?" He sensed a slight sadness in her as she spoke of them, and he worried if his question would dredge up bad memories. Nayati didn't want to make her sad, but he felt he needed to know these things now. Maybe, if they weren't far away, when the time came he could ask their permission to ask Lili to be his mate.

The one thing that did still hurt him about leaving the Great Tribe was having to be apart from his parents and little siblings. The Kanati was certain they were all doing well, but many times it still felt wrong to be so far away from them. Those feelings seemed to be bombarding him even more now that Liliana and he were courting. Whenever he had imagined this process, it had involved his parents. Now, here, that wasn't a possibility. An unexpected idea was proposed by the hybrid woman though, and it made a broad happy grin spread across his strong face. "That would be wonderful! It is a long ways, back to the Great Tribe, but if we could be spared so long then I would love to do that." The way things were going, they might already be mated by that time, but the sooner Liliana could meet his family the better. He loved that she too seemed so excited about the prospect.

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