I’m yours and that’s it


Liliana’s hand stopped as he asked her, well not many knew about her past, and they had never dived into it between each other before. Her parents were the best, for the first year of her life she’d been happy to be with them. It was at the end that things went so wrong. It took her a little while to gather her own courage up, as he was a special case, and she’d loved him and he was gaining the same feelings, she knew he should know what happened.

Before I came here… I was attacked, but my dad, he saved me by giving his own life… then my mother was so distraught that she starved herself to death… She would eat nothing I gave her, I had to force water, food everything… but it wasn’t enough and she passed on…

She felt her chest heaving for a second but she calmed herself, she can’t be sad not now that Nayati had made her so happy, and she didn’t want the dinner to end, she was not afraid he’d turn her out, but she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to eat any more, every time she remembered her mother it made her feel worse, because she was doing something to try to save her, she tried to get through to her mother, who evidently died of starvation, she watched as she slowly died, not caring about anyone or anything… just the memory of that made Liliana die a little inside

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