Red tinted glass

It's ok, i'm no speed deamon at posting either.

Temo Wolfe

Loping along through the grass, side by side with Jace. The grass tickling his underbelly as it passed under him. The sun beating down on his back feels so good after so long in the forest shadows. Lost in thought as he glances at the skulls stuck on poles and wonders about it. Temo wonders if Jace had noticed it and what she was thinking about it.

Deciding to stop and study the skulls, and wonder. Quietly asking Jace what she thought they might mean. Suggesting what he thought. Intent on the riddle in front of them, he didn't notice that someone had come up behind them until he heard the "AHEM". Turning to the sound of the new and strange voice, Temo glances at Jace then back to the stranger as she continues. From the tone of her voice, he realizes that she is not going to be friendly. Glancing at the skulls when she points, getting an inkling of where they came from and what their purpose is now.

While the stranger moves around them to block their path, Temo not believing for a minute that this one is as careless as her steps seem to imply, replies "No, we do not know, well, didn't know, until now." A sideways glance to Jace, having a feeling that there will be a fight, possibly for their lives,"Please accept our apologies for our trespass. We did not realize that we had entered your lands and will leave." Begins to back away from the defender of their lands and towards the line they had inadvertently crossed and watches warily.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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