a simple song

That post made me laugh. XD

Her fingers moved along the strings, creating whatever sounds seemed to best correlate with one another. She was left with a rather simple, yet sweet melody and the sound drifted only slightly louder than the lull of the waves crashing along the beach. As she tried to recreate that one melody, Clover began to hum along and find the rhythm she was looking for. She was vaguely aware of the sound of crashing brush, but she did not lift her concentration from the pearly guitar cradled in her arms. It wasn’t until a figure broke into her line of sight, that Clover lifted her straw golden gaze and studied the unfamiliar male. For a few moments longer, Clover merely studied in wonder while she continued to player her song. It was only when it seemed acceptable for the song to end, that Clover gently plucked her last chord and let her arms settle lounging across the smooth wooden surface.

Though she gave the stranger a quick once over, the young coyote couldn’t help but let her gaze settle on the scars that adorned his face. The lines crossed over his eyes and Clover could only silently wonder if he still had his vision or not. She hesitated, waiting for him to perhaps say something to her, but nothing issued from the male’s throat. So instead Clover simply offered, "Why hello there, dove."

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