Joining the Pack

WC: --- OOC:First off Let me welcome you to souls!!! Second off, Welcome to CdA!!!

Shawchert hadn’t been too far away, he was settling himself in a nearby tree when he heard the howl, his ears perked and his heart leaped, someone was at his boarders. He stood up and moved quickly to answer the calls. What he saw was a rather big surprise, a fair wolf who was almost as big as he was. He knew his presence had always been with shock from the other party. She did seem timid, and shy. He hoped that would not hinder a conversation especially since she’d pretty much called him to his borders. He was very curious as to why she was there though, but he made sure he did not show that excitement. He gave a welcome smile as he moved closer.

Good day, you are at the border of Cercatori D’Arte, my name is Shawchert. How may I help you?

He said, his voice was soft and pleasant, he’d always been a patient wolf, one who thought things through, after all his own family had disowned him when he was just barely able to fend for himself as well. He’s spent most of his life on his own, now he defied his own father, and was the leader of a pack. Not just any pack, but a pack designed to create. He stood waiting, not knowing that he might make the large female uncomfortable. He had found the larger the wolf the less scared they normally were, but it had not always been the case, for Shaw did stand over eight feet tall, nearly taller than all the wolves he’d met thus far.

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