Joining the Pack
Kanen stood up and thought about that. More like a teddy bear? that would be unusual for an alpha male? What was a teddy bear anyway? Some soft human child's toy, but that is all Kanen knew. That created interesting idea of this pack. Anyway, the enxt question brought her up, not sure how to answer. Kanen hunted things like rabbits and such all the time, and often survived on small game. She was not very experienced with large game in hears. True, she had taken down some dear before. There would be other hunters to teach her more about group big game hunting. "Oh, I can hunt, but I am not used to hunting with a pack. I have usually killed small animals such as rabbits, but I have killed dear when I could. So I suppose I can hunt, but I may need help learning to hunt as a team. I come from the mountains to the west a bit, so I guess I understand the importance of stockpiling." Kanen was a bit cautious. She new based on what he had said it was a small pack, still, winters inth e mountains had been bad, so perhaps they can be here as well. "Oh, yes, nice to meet you as well. I would indeed like it if you could show me around. I would hate to be mistaken for an intruder as I am new. And I just came from the mountains so I do not know what the area is like as of yet. Your kindness is much appreciated."

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