Nothing's going to touch you in these Golden Years

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Alder's excitement at getting to ride on a horse was probably one of the most endearing things that the Knight had ever seen. The way the shy boy lit up around the large hoofed animals was something he marveled at, even now that he knew who had been his little brother's first equine acquaintance. He briefly wondered if he had been exposed to the animals at a young age if he would have been so smitten with them as the raccoon-faced pup was. Not that he hadn't been mesmerized by Drogon and the herd he had come from when he had stumbled upon them, but it wasn't in that same childlike way that Alder reacted. Haven felt privileged that it was his horse that his little brother first experienced a ride on. It was a special occasion that the two would now always share.

That was far from the only excitement that the brother pair would have that day though. Haven could feel his own excited butterflies as the large castle came into view. He had first visited this place with his other mother, the one that had fallen out of his life. They had found a small crown that he had claimed as his own as the prince of Crimson Dreams. The next time he came here he left with his sword, Vowkeeper. Would they be taking home any special treasures today?

Once the castle appeared it didn't take long at all for them to reach the bottom of it and the steps that lead up to the entrance. Carefully Haven picked Alder back up in his arms and slid down off of Drogon's back. "Go ahead and graze at your leisure, but don't wander too far off," he advised the stallion. The mustang tossed his head and swished his tail, putting his head down to begin munching at the grass. Green eyes looked back down to his little brother. "You ready to go inside?" he asked with a grin. He had wanted to take the boy here ever since he had shown such interest in Haven being a knight. Surely he would enjoy visiting a castle that was full of wonders his blue eyes had never seen.

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