A New Pack, A New Begining

OOC: Sorry. >.< This post sucks, I know.

Aura tried to blink away the tears. This wolfesses kindness was overwelming her. Not a big deal? Oh yes it was! The sweater dress looked comfy and beautiful. Looking up into her eyes, she smiled the best she could in Lupus form. "Thank you, my lady. It is an honor. But I must pay you back some way, some how. For you must have gone through a great deal to get such a beautiful article of clothing." And then she slowly changed into Optime form. Her limbs grew, along with her snout, and bones were cracking in the process. It happened so fast, the violet eyed wolf stubbled. I need to work on my balance. She gently took the light dress from her and slipped it on. Aura had to admit - it didn't look all that bad on her. And it seemed to match her jett black and midnight blue hair with a single white strand magnificently. Eyes shining, she looked up to Ayita. "Thank you so much. It looks great! I am grateful. And I will keep that human store in mind!"

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