Hazing clouds rain on my head

Yayay! Big Grin Thank you!

He felt like a younger version of himself, pacing about with tension twisting away on his heart. His golden form held melancholy as he moved, away from everyone’s eyes under a weeping sky. He could not possibly become a father. The argument that he was too young had not cost him Dahlia’s stained crown, but it was one he repeated inside his head now. Conor was not ready for this kind of responsibility. No, that was not it. It was the blood, the cursed blood that was infesting another generation. He would have to admit that he was superstitious. Haku Soul had been a true monster, and he was offspring born from sin and desire. Nothing was pure about Conor Soul despite his heavy efforts of creating a different life for himself.

His life was in truth quite glorious, but not today. Not as long as Bris Stormbringer was expecting his children. The Alpha’s weary form eventually discovered the trespasser. In fact he was pleased that he had found something that could disengage this depressing mood. Self-pity shouldn’t really be his style anyway. Lavender eyes focused upon the canine cradled by night. The stranger had settled under the roof on the porch of one of the lonesome buildings located here and there at the outskirts of Dahlia de Mai. Technically this was trespassing, but Conor had never ruled with a brutal fist. He could hardly blame anyone for wanting to escape the heavy drops from above.

The four legged male stepped closer, yet refrained from extinguishing too much distance at once as long as he knew nothing of the other. ”You’re trespassing on claimed lands, stranger,” he enlightened the other, his soaked, white tipped tail lifting slightly to build up domination in the eyes of the stray.

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Table by Siekone

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